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service administrator destination

A valid Swift eight-character BIC that Swift assigns to the service administrator. The service administrator destination is used in digital signatures. The service administrator destination can be the same as the primary server destination.

service administrator related participant (SARP)

A Swift user that belongs to the same financial institution as the service administrator. To be considered as part of the same financial institution, Swift must register the service administrator related participant and the service administrator as belonging to the same group of customers for traffic aggregation purposes.

Useful information

Manage your Swift products and services. Benefit from tailored, reliable, efficient support

Swift Trademark Guidelines

Swift has a worldwide reputation for the security, availability and resilience of its network, products and services. The Swift trademarks are important vehicles of that reputation and, as such, are protected as valuable assets by Swift. Any improper or unauthorised use of the Swift trademarks is likely to affect that reputation.

Swift General Terms and Conditions

The Swift General Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions that apply to the provision or use of the Swift Services and Products to which customers subscribe via an electronic form or other contractual arrangements that expressly refer to these Swift General Terms and Conditions.

Contact Swift Support

… Each options require approval from your administrator. Online support Users registered on … for identification – and a faster, more personalised service. You can find your registration number in  My profile …


Swift Business Forum Canada

Certification tracks

Candidates will need to pass a formal exam under controlled conditions before obtaining an official Swift certification. Swift certifications are valid for a limited period to ensure your skills remain current. The Swift certification programme is charged as a community price.

Join the Swift network

… your business activities your specific Swift messaging service needs and correspondents your affiliation with other … grant other staff members access to our self-service portal on, comprising amongst others the …

Swift User Categories

Main groups and usage rights ; Shareholding Eligibility

Self activation

Are you ready to benefit from the SwiftRef offering? If so, you can create an account to access the secured area of

Using Alliance Entry

Offering banks and market infrastructures a lightweight messaging interface, Alliance Entry’s features include message management functionalities, RMA management, validation, basic routing and monitoring capabilities.