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Counter terrorist financing

Are we really stopping the bad guys?

Data: leading the revolution in securities services

New technologies and the role of data explored in part one of our three-part series on the key takeaways from the securities stream at Sibos 2019.

What is an Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO)?

Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) legislation has been put into place to give banks and corporates clarity on who they’re doing business with.

Data-driven compliance

By embracing data-driven compliance, banks can harness data and analytics more effectively.

The Bitcoin conundrum

This news was first published on Dialogue Online.

Payment Controls – あなたのご質問に回答いたしました

当社の新たなPayment Controls サービスは貴行の送信中の不正支払または規定外支払指示を選別します。

Compliance Analyticsについてのご質問への回答

Compliance Analyticsについてもっともよくある質問への回答をご覧ください当社の有用なファクトシートをダウンローするかインフォメーションビデオをご覧になることもできます

Compliance Analytics

Swift上のメッセージ総量に対しる貴社トラフィックにベンチマークを設定することにより、Compliance … 特にソフトウェアをインストールしないので、Compliance Analyticsによる強力な分析は実行が簡単ですSwiftは全面的なCompliance … Reports factsheet A simple, secure way to validate Swift transaction activity and understand your payment risks … checks Find out how HSBC tackles this complex task using Swift's data solutions Download All documents Gallery 1 min …

Why the demands for improved FX data are not yet being met

More FX market data is being collected than ever before. This is being put to a variety of uses, but the data available remains fragmented and incomplete. If the growth of electronic trading and buy-side pressure for transparency do not fill in the gaps then regulation may be necessary.

Experts debate liquidity in FX markets

Liquidity in major currency pairs is healthy, but the structure of liquidity in FX is changing. Fewer banks are willing to take principal risk, most feed off the liquidity of others, the much-vaunted non-bank liquidity providers are proving reliant on bank credit, and buy-side firms are interested primarily in data that can tell them where liquidity is - and is not.