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First National Bank of Omaha leverages Swift GPI payments data to support international business growth across the Midwest

When you speak to Michael Salerno,Vice President, Global Banking Group at First National Bank of Omaha, it immediately becomes clear just how passionate he is about helping the bank’s customers to grow internationally.

The power of community approach in Central-Asian countries

In the heart of Central Asia, the strength of community collaboration has been harnessed to foster a remarkable evolution for banks across the region. 

Swift at Sibos – Latin America and Caribbean Reception


Swift at Sibos – Marketing Community Drinks


Reaping the benefits of market reform in the Russian financial market

Welcoming over 220 delegates to what has now become a yearly Swift Business Forum appointment in Moscow, Matthieu de Heering, Head of Russia, CIS and Mongolia ran through the agenda for the day, part of which was dedicated to the ROSSwift (Russian national Swift member and user group) AGM, and gave an overview of the growth of the Russian market on Swift, both in terms of users and traffic volumes.

Safeguarding efficiencies of new technologies: Why common standards matter

How ISO 20022 can better enable DLT and API technologies of tomorrow

Instant cross-border payments usher in a new phase of global financial interoperability

The European Payment Council’s (EPC) One-Leg-Out Instant Credit Transfer scheme (OCT Inst) has gone live, meaning payments to and from Europe are able to be processed around the clock, seven days a week.

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ISO 20022 adoption: Moving towards a common language

Sibos panellists discuss key elements of the transition to the new industry standard.

Address growing financial crime and cyber-security challenges

Financial crime compliance has never been more important – or more challenging. As regulation becomes more robust, businesses need to demonstrate that their compliance programmes are effective. And keeping up with sanctions, anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) requirements demands dedicated compliance resources. As the speed and intricacy of fraudulent schemes evolve, effective detection and prevention is also vital. Our solutions