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right security officer (RSO)

A role that carries joint responsibility with a left security officer for the configuration and the management of the security functions within Alliance.

Security Officer Guide

KDD Central Securities Clearing Corporation chooses Swift to connect to T2S

Brussels, 29 August 2013 – Swift, the financial messaging provider for more than 10,000 banking organisations, securities institutions and corporate customers in 212 countries and territories, today announced that KDD Central Securities Clearing Corporation in Slovenia will use Swift’s Value Added Network (VAN) solution to connect to T2S. It is also taking advantage of further value-added services from Swift.

A year to go: How the securities industry is preparing for T+1

In many markets around the world, T+1 is coming your way – or could be soon. As more markets look to shorten their securities settlement cycles, Simon A.X. Daniel, Product Manager at Swift, spoke to Virginie O’Shea, Founder of Firebrand Research, about what this means for the securities industry and how firms are getting ready.

Swift opens office in Miami as part of its growth strategy for Latin America

Swift solidifies its operations in the region.

Anna Agafonova joins Swift as Chief Financial Officer

Swift recruits senior financial executive to its leadership team

Financial crime poses significant challenges for securities market participants

Securities industry leaders collaborate to help ease financial crime compliance concerns for cross-border securities accounts

Swift to launch new business intelligence solution for securities markets

Sibos, Boston, 29 September 2014 - Swift announces today at Sibos the introduction of Watch for Securities, a new business intelligence solution that will help securities market participants to monitor and gain valuable business insights from their network traffic. The new Watch for Securities offering is expected to go live in Q1 2015 with an early adopter programme planned for the end of 2014.

Smarter Securities: Transformation through collaboration

Shorter settlement timetables mean the securities services industry must shift from exchanging structured data messages to sharing transactional data. That requires an openness to collaboration. At Swift's recent Smarter Securities events, in Asia, Europe and North America, bankers, brokers and asset managers explained why and how collaboration needs to work.

Global securities reporting: Industry trends, challenges and future perspectives

Jonathan Ehrenfeld, Securities Market Manager at Swift, has recently had a paper accepted in the Journal of Securities Operations and Custody which explains how global standards are needed in securities reporting.

Swift wins Risk Award for cyber security

Customer Security Programme recognised at The Risk (Operational Risk) Awards ceremony

Customer Security Programme - attestation deadline approaching

All Swift users must comply with the mandatory security controls by the end of 2018