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Global securities reporting: Industry trends, challenges and future perspectives

Global securities reporting: Industry trends, challenges and future perspectives

10 May 2016 | 1 min read

Jonathan Ehrenfeld, Securities Market Manager at Swift, has recently had a paper accepted in the Journal of Securities Operations and Custody which explains how global standards are needed in securities reporting.

Reporting obligations in the financial industry have been in place for many years, but, almost without exception, recent regulation has made such obligations and securities industry an inseparable combination. As a result, considerable analysis has been devoted to measure the proliferation of regulatory reporting obligations, yet less attention has been paid to analysing the effects of regulation on other reporting flows, particularly those between account servicers and the account holders.

This paper looks at the effects that regulation has on two key reporting mechanisms: regulatory reporting and intermediated securities reporting. It outlines the challenges that lie ahead and explains how global standards are needed to harmonise requirements and improve the transparency of intermediated holding models across jurisdictions.

Read the paper now:

Global securities reporting: Industry trends, challenges and future perspectives