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Be ready for critical change coming in Standards Release 2017

Be ready for critical change coming in Standards Release 2017

10 August 2017 | 2 min read

An approved change that impacts all MTs 103 users

In Standards Release 2017, there is an approved change that impacts all MTs 103 users. In some MTs 103, the User Header Block (block 3) will contain additional fields 111 and 121.

These fields in the User Header Block are linked to the Swift GPI service, but the impact is not limited to Swift GPI users. All MT 103, MT 103 STP, MT 103 REMIT receivers are potentially impacted. FIN Inform users and Market Infrastructures using FIN copy have another potential impact in the MT 096.

To highlight this to Financial Institutions (FIs) and Market Infrastructures (MIs), Swift Standards organised webinars in February 2017 to explain the change and the potential impact. Slides of these webinars are available (slides for FIs and slides for MIs).

Based on questions received during the webinars, a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document was produced and published.

Although there are no processing obligations for non-gpi users, it is nevertheless important to verify that if the header fields are passed to the back-office, all applications are able to receive them.

Banks that are not in the Swift GPI Closed User Group (CUG) must be able to receive these header fields but will not be allowed to send or forward messages containing fields 111 or 121.

Full details of this change on the Standards Release Guide 2017 web page:

For MT 103, MT 103 STP, MT 103 REMIT users wanting to test their ability to receive field 111 and 121 or other SR 2017 changes, Swift’s Test and Training system is available as of 23 July 2017. FIN has a repository of sample messages known as the tank file, including MT 103, MT 103 STP and MT 103 REMIT messages with fields 111 and 121 in the User Header Block.

A knowledge base tip exists to explain how to request test messages from the FIN Tank File using an Alliance Access/Entry. Additional information on the tank file is available on the FIN Service description and FIN Operations Guide.

All SR 2017 changes are implemented on the network on 17 November 2017 (the Standards release Live date) and are mandatory for all FIN users.

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact your local support centre.
