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What is it like to be a Swift graduate?

What is it like to be a Swift graduate?

Company Information,
19 December 2019 | 5 min read

The Swift graduate programme provides unique opportunities for recent graduates to explore their talents, maximise their potential and better understand the various career paths available at Swift.

In this interview we spoke to Becky Tsoi, who joined the Swift graduate programme in Hong Kong, to learn about her experiences and how Swift has supported the start of her career.

Hi Becky, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background? 

I joined Swift as a Cybersecurity Analyst in May 2019. Before this, I worked at a student start-up consultancy looking at the potential impact of blockchain technology on the HR industry. 

I grew up in Hong Kong and studied Finance and Information Systems (Audit) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. I’ve always been fascinated by the role of technology in society and how new ideas are applied to solve real-world challenges. We generally underestimate the extent to which new technologies will change our lives.

What is it like to be a Swift graduate?

What made you apply to the Swift graduate programme and what’s been your experience so far? 

I knew I wanted to work for a progressive and prestigious company where I could pursue my passions, but I also realised that Swift was a place where I could discover new interests and grow my skillset.

What made Swift stand out for me is that it works on behalf of the whole financial industry, not just for its own gain. That’s something I find really important.

Through the programme I’ve met a wide range of people with different skills, different backgrounds and different perspectives. I’ve learned an amazing amount in a short space of time by being exposed to people who think in different ways to myself.

It was clear very quickly that Swift is a diverse environment that can help develop my potential, personality and attitude. 

Can you tell us about your role as a Cybersecurity Analyst? 

As a Cybersecurity Analyst, I work with teams across the world, and with the Swift community of banks, corporates and FinTechs, to proactively safeguard the security of the organisation, our growing community of customers and the wider financial ecosystem.

I also work on projects to improve the efficiency of Swift’s security operations. We actively hunt potential threats, monitor intelligence from the community and work with Swift’s threat defence operations to improve the ways in which we monitor security alerts. 

What’s the best thing about working at Swift?

When I first joined, my managers took time to get to know me. They helped me uncover and understand my strengths and have assigned me to relevant projects that will give me opportunities to develop professionally. 

For example, they saw that I learn faster from interaction with other people, and I’ve been put on projects that require more discussion and interaction to help develop my softer skillset.

The team is very close and I’ve made some great friendships. It’s a really supportive atmosphere where you can rely on your teammates for advice and understanding. For me, team spirit is about trust and the feeling that you can communicate openly and with confidence, and there’s certainly a great team spirit at Swift.

What is it like to be a Swift graduate?

How has the Swift graduate programme helped you develop your professional skills?

I’ve completed a lot of training since I started, but not just on the technical or operational side. There’s been a focus on the soft skills you need to work effectively in a team and to look after your own wellbeing and resiliency. 

The information from the workshops and training programmes we attend are shared across the teams. This makes it easy to learn about a topic that I’m interested in, even if it’s not directly relevant to my current role. 

I recently went on a three-day trip to visit the Kuala Lumpur teams. This was an incredibly valuable experience that took me outside of my comfort zone and taught me a lot about the benefits of diversity in thought and ideas across a successful company.

What do you like to do in your spare time? 

Generally, my team gets in early, which means we leave at about 3-4 pm each day. Apart from my personal hobbies of yoga and working out, I also enjoy team social activities and hanging out with friends at work from various departments. We recently went out to laser tag after our shift, which was so much fun!

Finally, what are you looking forward to doing or working on at Swift? 

I want to learn more about the complex world of compliance. It’s a growing area that encompasses security, cybercrime and regulation, and is forever evolving. I want to dig deeper into how we, as an industry, can develop a compliance mind-set and culture, and work together on frameworks that improve the overall governance of the financial world.

If you’re looking for a new opportunity and to develop your skills, learn more about the many fulfilling careers at Swift.

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