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18 June 2014 | 5 min read

Swift helps industry drive harmonisation benefits of T2S

One of the many promised benefits of the new pan-European settlement system TARGET2-Securities (T2S) is that...
17 June 2014 | 2 min read

Matching of Derivative confirmations – now extended to Commodities Options

Swift is pleased to announce the launch of Commodities Options on Accord – the leading real-time...
News, Swift, Trade
12 June 2014 | 5 min read

Trade industry progressing towards digitisation

Success stories with MT 798 and BPO demonstrate increasing demand for - and adoption of -...
Standards Forum Moscow
6 June 2014 | 12 min read

Reaping the benefits of market reform in the Russian financial market

Welcoming over 220 delegates to what has now become a yearly Swift Business Forum appointment in...
Business Forum, News, Frankfurt
30 May 2014 | 10 min read

German Swift community gathers at first Business Forum in Frankfurt

In his welcome address Jürgen Marstatt, Head of Swift Germany, heralded a dual first for the...
Press Release, Payments
22 May 2014 | 4 min read

Banks and corporates use Swift for OTC derivatives reporting

At a time when financial markets participants are struggling to handle multiple new regulatory requirements, notably...
Business Forum London
21 May 2014 | 7 min read

Compliance and cyber drive agenda at Swift Business Forum London

Opening the fourth annual Swift Business Forum London on 29 April Alderman Fiona Woolf, the 686th...
banner insight Funds
30 April 2014 | 4 min read

Steady rise in standardisation of cross-border funds processing in 2013

The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA), in collaboration with Swift, has today published a...
Swift for Corporates
18 April 2014 | 3 min read

Bank readiness certification - an essential tool for multi-banked Corporates

To give corporate customers insight into the readiness of their banking partners, and allow them to...