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Billing rules

Invoice layout

Invoices are presented in two parts:

  1. A front page containing the invoice summary and the mailing address, the summary describes the total amount invoiced per product and/or service provided
  2. A second part detailing the charges: the product/service provided, the period covered, the tariff applied, the customer order reference

Invoice triggering

The invoice triggering depends on the type of product/service provided. The invoicing frequency is described in a separate table.

Exchange rate

Your invoices are converted at the following rate (USD/EUR): 

Invoice date


Conversion rate USD/EUR

June 2024   1.06860
May 2024   1.08131
April 2024   1.07032
March 2024   1.07735
February 2024   1.07991
January 2024   1.08249
December 2023   1.11284
November 2023   1.05831
October 2023   1.05164
September 2023   1.08790
August 2023   1.09565
July 2023   1.09135
June 2023   1.07021
May 2023   1.10497
April 2023   1.08719
March 2023   1.05496
February 2023   1.09016
January 2023   1.06542
December 2022   1.03638
November 2022   0.99423
October 2022   0.96710
September 2022   1.00251
August 2022   1.02130
July 2022   1.05140
May 2022   1.07720
April 2022   1.05170
March 2022   1.11520
February 2022   1.11830
January 2022   1.11350
December 2021   1.13040
November 2021   1.12880
October 2021   1.15950
September 2021   1.16670
August 2021   1.18000
July 2021   1.18790
June 2021   1.19040
May 2021   1.21980
April 2021   1.21160
March 2021   1.17390
February 2021   1.22200
January 2021   1.21080
December 2020   1.22700
November 2020   1.19240
October 2020   1.17280

Network usage charges

The period covered by the network usage part (message transmission traffic) of the invoice covers messages sent, system messages received and retrievals delivered to the customer from 00:00 GMT on the first day of the month until 23:59 GMT on the last day. Any messages sent but not delivered by the end of a month are invoiced the following month.

Broadcast messages are invoiced shortly after the service has been provided.

Recurring charges

Annual charges (including Swift BIC costs, network connection costs, software maintenance, documentation subscriptions) are in principle invoiced shortly after the service has been initially provided and, subsequently, they are invoiced in January of each year.

Other charges

All other costs are in principle invoiced as soon as the product or service has been provided.
Entry fees are invoiced after receipt of the Swift Undertaking.

Pricing, invoicing and currency conversion policy

The approach approved by the Board is implemented as follows:

1. All Swift Products and Services, with the exception of Interfaces and CREST, are priced in EUR only.

2. All Swift Interfaces, User Documentation, BIC & Directory Products are priced in USD only.

3. CREST tariff and invoicing currency remains in GBP.

Mailing address

To consult or update the billing address and contact details, please go to the Billing profile.

Customer queries and claims

The customer should file the queries or claims related to invoiced charges with the Customer Service Centers within 6 months of the invoice date. Queries or claims received thereafter will not be considered.

Any query or claim will specify the relevant customer and invoice numbers. The customer is required to provide as much evidential information as possible when initiating a claim.

The procedure for queries or claims related to the amount to be processed through direct debit is described in the direct debit section.
