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Deutsche Bank raises expertise in “Swift for Corporates”

Deutsche Bank continued its global training programme for "Swift for Corporates" in 2015, with certification achieved in five locations across three continents. More than 300 employees worldwide have now been certified.

Volante joins SwiftRef partner programme to offer a single source for payments reference data management

By joining SwiftRef, Volante users will have access to Swift for all their payments reference data needs, helping to reduce costs and improve straight-through-processing (STP) of international and SEPA payments.

10 key takeaways from Swift at Sibos 2020

From our bold new strategy to enable instant, frictionless transactions to ISO 20022 adoption, fighting fraud, CSDR, new technologies and more, we break down the top 10 takeaways from Swift at Sibos’ packed three-day programme. 

Gottfried Leibbrandt on cyber security and innovation

Swift CEO reveals Customer Security Programme at industry conference

Sibos 2017 Corporate Programme: Unlocking efficiency for multi-banked corporates

Simplifying connectivity

Swift and EBA CLEARING start development phase of EURO1 migration to ISO 20022

The collaboration builds on a 20-year partnership and advances a broader future positioning programme that began last year

Transaction filtering, systems testing and annual certification: driving business benefits

Swift paper outlines implications of new DFS regulation, and the potential for banks to develop ongoing review programmes that enhance processes and create business efficiencies

Four things to do before the 2018 Swift Standards release

The 2018 Swift Standards release is only a month away; with this year’s update allowing customers to access a host of new innovations in cross-border payments. Here are four things you should do ahead of the release.

The countdown is on to upgrade your Swift operations in 2018!

Join our webinar series to find out why and how to upgrade

Preparing Customers for the Swift Standards Release 2015

Every year, the annual standards release ensures that the messages exchanged by Swift users remain suitable for the business areas in which they are used. The Standards Release has a global impact on information systems across the financial services industry. The annual Standards Release deployed for FIN messages, impacts institutions at different levels, from the interface used to connect to Swift to back-office applications, to business flows and processes.