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Swift Customer Certification Programme for Staff

The Swift Customer Certification Programme for Staff enables managers to validate and benchmark their employees' skills, and help in the recruiting process. Swift certified experts demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and experience by correctly completing product and service-specific exams. The programme is built on transparency, integrity, recognition, and validity.

The Programme is reserved to staff of financial institutions. Swift Partners and service bureaux are not eligible to the Programme.

Related links
Swift certification: take your learning to the next level

Preparing Customers for the Swift Standards Release 2015

Every year, the annual standards release ensures that the messages exchanged by Swift users remain suitable for the business areas in which they are used. The Standards Release has a global impact on information systems across the financial services industry. The annual Standards Release deployed for FIN messages, impacts institutions at different levels, from the interface used to connect to Swift to back-office applications, to business flows and processes.

Can customer due diligence be effective in an era of fake news?

Find out how Swift KYC Adverse Media can support your customer due diligence.

Swift customer communication: Cooperating on cyber-security

Information sharing and community cooperation to reduce cyber risks

Quick, easy, predictable: Delivering the payments experience customers expect

We’re working with 25 financial institutions and business application providers to show how Swift capabilities can benefit end customers. It’s part of our commitment to help our community meet customers’ rising expectations and support the G20’s goals for enhanced cross-border payments.

Payments best practices, Daily Validation Reports, support customers’ fraud prevention programmes

New elements are part of Swift’s Customer Security Programme to protect its community

Australian banks to deliver enhanced cross-border payments experience to their customers

Business and technical innovation provides a new world for customers

Swift’s Customer Security Programme wins top cybersecurity award

Swift named best cybersecurity provider at Central Banking’s FinTech & RegTech Global Awards 2019

300 customers choose Alliance Lite2 as their Swift connection over the last 12 months

Sibos, Dubai, 17 September 2013 - Swift, the financial messaging provider for more than 10,000 financial institutions and corporations in 212 countries, today announced at Sibos that its cloud-based connectivity, Alliance Lite2, has been adopted by more than 300 customers globally over the past 12 months.

Customer Security Programme

An update on the five strategic initiatives

Swift publishes new Customer Security Controls Policy

Enhancing security; increasing transparency