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Instant cross-border payments usher in a new phase of global financial interoperability

The European Payment Council’s (EPC) One-Leg-Out Instant Credit Transfer scheme (OCT Inst) has gone live, meaning payments to and from Europe are able to be processed around the clock, seven days a week.

Caribbean CSDs sign Swift’s ISO 20022 Harmonisation Charter

Central Securities Depositories in Barbados and Jamaica’s are now poised to support regional and international initiatives

Swift and Accenture publish joint paper on central bank digital currencies in cross-border payments

New report discusses opportunities and challenges of CBDCs for international payments Sets out practical requirements for adoption of digital currency at scale Outlines how Swift can support the financial community as new solutions are developed

Swift innovates to remove friction in corporate actions

We’re collaborating with seven securities players – including American Century Investments, Citi, Vanguard and Northern Trust – to drive efficiencies in communicating significant corporate events. The project will trial an ambitious solution powered by Symbiont’s enterprise blockchain platform.

CLSA becomes the first Asian broker to go live with global electronic trade confirmation on Swift

Hong Kong, 28 May 2013 - Swift, the financial messaging provider for more than 10,000 banking organisations, securities institutions and corporate customers in 212 countries and territories, today announced that CLSA has become the first Asian broker to go live on Swift's Global Electronic Trade Confirmation ("GETC") solution for the automation of allocation and confirmation processes.

Variations in US/EU law can lead to compliance challenges for multinational banking community

New academic research from the Swift Institute shows that conflicts between information sharing and data privacy can lead to information breakdowns across jurisdictions

Swift announces new payment controls service to bolster customers’ fraud and cyber-crime controls

New solution is a major milestone in Swift’s Customer Security Programme, a suite of initiatives designed to increase security and trust within the global financial community

Swift aligns KYC Registry with updated Wolfsberg Due Diligence Questionnaire (DDQ) for Correspondent Banks

Swift’s adoption of ‘Wolfsberg DDQ’ seeks to drive global standardisation in correspondent banking due diligence

Swift launches gpi certification programme for global payment applications

Core payment application vendors support Swift GPI

Swift selected as a Network Service Provider to all TARGET services

Swift has been awarded the license to offer connectivity services to all Eurosystem market infrastructures via the European Single Market Infrastructure Gateway (ESMIG)