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De-risking in Africa on the rise, according to latest Swift data

Swift data shows that banks around the world are reducing their correspondent banking relationships with a focus on perceived higher-risk jurisdictions, including Africa

Innotribe names 10 companies to compete in the Startup Challenge Africa

The successful startups will pitch their products in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, on 17 May 2017 during Swift’s African Regional Conference

Reference Data Management Maturity: Ripe for Change

A new white paper shares relevant insights from a recent SwiftRef customer roundtable

What impact will DLT have on the financial industry?

Innovation series: Distributed Ledger Technology

Innovation series: cyber innovation

With fintechs becoming more visible and mainstream, are they more of a cyber target?

German banking community gathers at Swift GPI and Instant Payments event

The rapidly evolving EU payments landscape at the heart of the event

Overcoming the innovation challenge through collaboration

With changing customer expectations, increased competition and ever-evolving technology, innovation is essential. But it must be balanced alongside many other priorities. Here’s why collaboration is needed to solve the challenges the financial industry faces. 

Successful blockchain experiments unlock potential of tokenisation

We partnered with more than a dozen financial institutions and market infrastructures to demonstrate how our network could be used to transfer tokenised assets across multiple public and private blockchains. Read about how we did it and what it could mean for our industry.

Fighting cyber-security threats on all fronts

Swift continues to support its customers in reinforcing the security of their Swift-related infrastructure

The Future of Financial Intelligence Sharing: The key to fighting financial crime?

In a panel discussion at Sibos 2017, Jennifer Calvery (HSBC) and Nick Maxwell (RUSI) explored the challenges and opportunities associated with information sharing, and discussed the findings of research carried out by the Future of Financial Intelligence Sharing (FFIS) programme.