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Swift announces distinguished speaker line-up for Greater China Regional Conference

The conference underscores Swift’s commitment to supporting the economic growth and stability of China

RMB breaks into the top five as a world payments currency

According to Swift data, the Chinese yuan overtook the Canadian and Australian dollar as a global payments currency in November 2014, and now takes position behind the Japanese Yen, British pound, Euro and US dollar.

Achieving Financial Integration in the ASEAN Region

New paper discusses challenges to ASEAN regions financial integration efforts and recommends steps to address these

Swift Innotribe announces the five finalists of its Startup Challenge London

Brussels, 2 May 2014 - The Innotribe Startup Challenge attendees selected the five finalists from the European leg of its annual Startup Challenge to compete at Sibos Boston in October. Ten early-stage startups and five growth-stage innovators delivered compelling pitches to an audience of global innovators and investors, venture capitalists and industry experts. The showcase was held at Level39 in Canary Wharf on 1 May, in partnership with the Finextra Future Money conference.

German banking community gathers at Swift GPI and Instant Payments event

The rapidly evolving EU payments landscape at the heart of the event

The drivers of change in cross-border payments

What are the key issues shaping cross-border payments today and how is the industry responding?

Smarter Securities: Transformation through collaboration

Shorter settlement timetables mean the securities services industry must shift from exchanging structured data messages to sharing transactional data. That requires an openness to collaboration. At Swift's recent Smarter Securities events, in Asia, Europe and North America, bankers, brokers and asset managers explained why and how collaboration needs to work.

Sibos 2023 kicks off: Collaboration, fragmentation, innovation

Collaboration and responsible innovation to overcome fragmentation and drive a sustainable future are top of the agenda as the financial industry gathers for Sibos 2023.

Building a brighter payments future

Cross-border payments have already become quick and transparent, with far less friction preventing them from arriving at their destination on time – but there’s still room for improvement. We look at what a brighter payments future could look like, and how the financial community can build it together.

Reaping the rewards of instant payments takes work

The key benefits of the instant payment systems being rolled out in Australia and in Europe were discussed at Sibos, Toronto 2017 at the Instant Payments Over Swift session in the Swift Auditorium.