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Local Registration Application (LRA)

The application that the security officer uses to register an organisation's users and manage an organisation's certificate.

Our partner community

Our focus is set on a brighter financial future for all, and we believe that working together is the best way to get there.

Becoming a Partner

Becoming a Partner

General Meeting(s) of Shareholders

The General Meeting of shareholders takes place every year on the second Thursday of the month of June. The rules of the General Meeting of shareholders are defined in articles 29-35 of the Swift By-laws.

Join the Swift network

… user, you gain exclusive access to global, regional and local events to help shape market practice, define standards … can find the quick starter user guide to our onboarding application  here . Do not start an onboarding request in the … and attest your compliance in the security attestation application, called KYC-SA.   The activation of your live …

Transforming KYC across your banking relationships - webinar FAQs

Responding to your questions

Guide de prise en main de KYC Registry

Ce guide de prise en main vous aide à définir et à gérer votre flux de travail et à être opérationnel sur KYC Registry le plus rapidement possible. Suivez la procédure ci-dessous pour préparer, activer, vous connecter, publier et commencer à accéder aux données dans KYC Registry.


The design pages mostly provide information, documentation to guide you through architectural design of your solution.

What is the Swift Partner Programme?

Our Partner Programme helps Swift customers to make well-informed purchasing and implementation decisions, and providers to differentiate their offerings in a crowded market place.

Batch confirmations

A simple way to confirm payments

Simplifying the industry’s journey to cloud

What we are doing.