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Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

An optional SwiftNet facility that enables customers to control the access of end users and applications to service functions. The service administrator defines the available user access profiles (roles) for use with RBAC. After provisioning, the security officer within an institution can grant roles to end users and applications.

Related links
SwiftNet PKI Certificate Administration Guide

Statement of Shareholding

As outlined in article 7 of the Swift By-laws, the name, identity details and number of shares of each shareholder of the company are entered in the company’s share register. The share register is kept electronically at the company’s registered office. An excerpt of the share register qualifies as a certificate of shareholding. The excerpt can be downloaded through the Shareholding Tool or can be requested by email to

All Swift products and services

… to top 3SKey a Top Back to top About ISO 20022 Alliance Access Alliance Access Integration Packages Alliance Access Integration Platform (IPLA) Alliance Cloud Alliance …

Reinforcing the security of the global banking system

Swift is encouraging two important community principles: share and prepare.

Wide ecosystem of business partners

Benefit from Swift’s wide ecosystem of partners in cash management, treasury management and trade application vendors.

Frequently asked questions about Daily Validation Reports

Daily Validation Reports help smaller financial institutions to validate their Swift transaction activity and understand their payment fraud risks.

Features & benefits

Combining real-time monitoring, alerting and blocking of sent payments with independent daily reporting.


… and aim to prevent any unauthorised physical and logical access. Our measures include physical controls that safeguard … well as logical controls that protect against unauthorised access to data and systems and encompass our detection, …

KYC-SA Application

Submit your attestation and check the compliance status of your counterparties to improve security awareness and practice.

Using Alliance Entry

Offering banks and market infrastructures a lightweight messaging interface, Alliance Entry’s features include message management functionalities, RMA management, validation, basic routing and monitoring capabilities.

Swift and data

Committed to privacy and data protection