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compatible customer managed interface

A messaging and communication interface connecting to the Swift network. Messaging and communication interfaces are provided by Swift and compatible third-parties vendors. Customers must connect to Swift through a Swift compatible interface.

Communication interface software provides a link between the SwiftNet network and the messaging interface software. It provides centralised, automated, and high-throughput integration with different in-house financial applications and service-specific interfaces.

Messaging interface software supports the use of Swift messaging protocols (FIN, RMA, InterAct store-and-forward, FileAct store-and-forward, FileAct real time). They enable customers to connect business applications to Swift messaging services and enable the maximum automation of system management tasks.

Related links
Swift Compatible Interface Programme Overview

Customer Operations

The Swift department that fulfils customer orders end-to-end, administers customer data and contracts, and ensures secure customer access to SwiftNet services. The Customer Operations department also collects and publishes official information (for example, BIC and directories) and is responsible for the system and the network's provisioning that enable customers to work with Swift. The department also takes care of the maintenance and support of the internal IT and applications, including the infrastructure security.

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Ordering (

customer parent destination (CPD)

The primary BIC of a customer designated as Swift head of traffic of a group.

Training and development

We are a global player, yet on a human scale. We invest in people at every stage of their career. We constantly push back the borders of technology. We take pride in developing and delivering world-class solutions that meet our customers’ needs.

Swift General Terms and Conditions

The Swift General Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions that apply to the provision or use of the Swift Services and Products to which customers subscribe via an electronic form or other contractual arrangements that expressly refer to these Swift General Terms and Conditions.

Technology platform & product development:

We are constantly evolving and tirelessly innovating. Our 3,000 employees of over 75 nationalities in 28 offices worldwide drive real change to bring ground-breaking technologies to our customers.

Compatible Interfaces document centre

Resource center
The lists below display the messaging interfaces that have been validated as Swift Compatible. If your vendor interface is not listed in this register, then please contact Swift by sending an email to to obtain more details on its compatibility status. Swift Compatibility does not guarantee or assure particular service levels, performance or outcomes. The registered provider or customer offering a Swift Compatible Interface is solely responsible for the…

Observer rules

Our free Basic Tracker enables financial institutions to access basic payment search and tracking features, as well as manually confirm their customer payments to comply with the Universal Confirmations mandate.

Name Screening

The service is no longer offered for purchase. Swift has decided to retire its Name Screening service (NSS) by June 2024. If you are a Name Screening customer and require further information regarding the Name Screening termination process, please consult our Frequently Asked Questions on the Swift Knowledge Base.

Why we're migrating

A global and open standard, ISO 20022 creates a common language for payments worldwide. And its higher quality data means better payments for all. ISO 20022 adoption is also the opportunity to improve customers’ experience with richer information to ease invoices reconciliation, reduce manual intervention to correct or investigate payments with structured data or support customers profiling with better data analysis on the nature of payments processing. Native adoption of ISO 20022…

Application Compatibility

The Swift Compatible Application programme checks compliance with certain quality criteria and standards. This helps Swift customers to make well-informed purchasing and implementation decisions. The Swift Compatible Application designation helps you to differentiate your offering in a crowded marketplace.

Address growing financial crime and cyber-security challenges

Financial crime compliance has never been more important – or more challenging. As regulation becomes more robust, businesses need to demonstrate that their compliance programmes are effective. And keeping up with sanctions, anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) requirements demands dedicated compliance resources. As the speed and intricacy of fraudulent schemes evolve, effective detection and prevention is also vital. Our solutions

Fraud & Anomalies

Detecting payment anomalies as early as possible in the payment chain is key to helping the industry achieve its payments speed and cost ambitions. As important as detecting anomalies that can be indicative of fraud or operational issues, is to do so with accuracy and effectiveness. Swift can help you achieve by completing your 360 view on fraud with network-wide account-level data. Work with Swift to detect payment anomalies at various stages of the payment lifecycle to protect your customers,…