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Local Registration Application (LRA)

The application that the security officer uses to register an organisation's users and manage an organisation's certificate.

SwiftRef Licence Terms and Conditions

The SwiftRef Licence Terms and Conditions for distribution of SwiftRef Data govern the licensing of SwiftRef Data to a Licensee who commercialises an application or service to its customers and wishes to have permission from Swift either to make data from a SwiftRef product available to its customers or to host the Data from a SwiftRef product on its systems in order to provide services to its customers.

Business Standards and Emerging Technologies

For decades, financial industry automation has been based on the exchange of structured financial messages, but this picture is changing rapidly. New automation approaches such as Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) have emerged to challenge messaging’s dominance, while maturing technology, including Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), is being widely deployed in the financial services industry, driven by regulation and competitive forces. In the near future we can look forward to…