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Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

An optional SwiftNet facility that enables customers to control the access of end users and applications to service functions. The service administrator defines the available user access profiles (roles) for use with RBAC. After provisioning, the security officer within an institution can grant roles to end users and applications.

Related links
SwiftNet PKI Certificate Administration Guide

CSP Customer Testimonial – Banco General, Panama

Janina M. Chen, Assistant Vice President of International and Trust Operations, Banco General, Panama, explains how Banco General is tackling cyber risk management and the bank’s approach to Swift’s Customer Security Control Framework and attestation process.

Directory for Rulebook for Payment Initiation Relay

This online directory provides an overview of the accession, change and termination status of the Forwarding Agent and the Debtor Agent which participate in the ISO 20022 Payment Initiation Relay Rulebook.

CSP Customer Testimonial – Standard Chartered Bank

Alex Manson, Global Head of Transaction Banking at Standard Chartered Bank talks about how the bank is working with its counterparts to support them in tackling cyber risks and complete their attestation against Swift’s Customer Security Controls Framework.

The Watch portfolio

View this factsheet to discover the BI Watch portfolio and how you can get direct and easy access to business insights about your financial institution and the global financial industry.

CSP Customer Testimonial – BELLIN

Sebastian Neimeyer, Head of GTB Services, BELLIN, speaks about how the application provider is tackling cyber risk management, its self-attestation journey and how BELLIN is supporting its customers to attest against Swift’s Customer Security Controls Framework.

Getting Started on Watch

Learn how to set up your Watch Administrator profile and how to grant or revoke User Access to Watch. You will also discover how to change user restrictions and end-user subscriptions.

CSP Customer Testimonial – Banco General, Panama

Janina M. Chen, Assistant Vice President of International and Trust Operations, Banco General, Panama, explains how Banco General is tackling cyber risk management and the bank’s approach to Swift’s Customer Security Control Framework and attestation process.

Sibos 2019 session - CSP – Current Status and Future Threats

Brett Lancaster, Managing Director, Global Head of Customer Security at Swift, talks about the key aspects of the Customer Security Programme (CSP) - the changes to the Customer Security Controls Framework (CSCF)which need to be made by v2020 deadline and the process through which non-compliant customers will be reported to local regulators.

Case Study – KONE

KONE Corporation, world class elevator and escalator manufacturer, implemented Swift to harmonise bank communications, while also enabling treasury to standardise processes, improve visibility and control, optimise liquidity and drive future transformation. Discover how KONE streamlined its bank communications through a Swift connectivity outsourced to OpusCapita.

Pre-validation demo video

The Pre-Validation initiative aims at delivering services to detect issues in payment transactions before they are sent for execution. They make error resolution much cheaper and payment execution as a whole more efficient. Swift is developing a payment validation service offering banks a single end-point to access easily an array of services to validate the transaction data computed at initiation in a contextualised manner. For more information, download the payment validation service demo…