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Consultation paper on Guidelines on transfer of data between TRs

Swift’s response to the European Securities and Markets Authority on the consultation paper: “Guidelines on transfer of data between TRs”

Swift、CBDC 相互運用ソリューションのベータテストを開始し、 イノベーションを加速

※本リリースは2023 年9月13日にSwiftが配信した英語版の抄訳です

SIRESS ASP update & RMA guide

How to update your ASP and FIN Copy files for SIRESS Swift services - Version 4.0 June-2015.

Response to the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission Consultation

Swift’s response to the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission Consultation on all reporting requirements, including swap data and recordkeeping

Regional financial integration: a means to an end

We at Swift believe firmly that successful regional integration, such as that envisaged in the ASEAN Economic Community, is enabled and sustained by financial integration.

National Australia Bank Case Study

Swift partnered with NAB and demonstrated the art of what is possible when skilled professionals work collaboratively in an agile manner.

Global Public Investor 2017

Read the latest insights on strengthening the foundations of trade finance by Huny Garg, Swift’s Head of Trade and Supply Chain.

Consultation on draft joint guidelines on FTR

Swift’s response to the European Supervisory Authorities’ consultation on “Draft Joint Guidelines under Article 25 of Regulation (EU) 2015/847"

Response to the European Central Bank’s consultative report

Swift Response to the European Central Bank’s consultative report on the future of Europe’s financial market infrastructure - RTGS services

KYC Adverse Media factsheet

Streamline your Customer Due Diligence and Know Your Customer compliance with Swift’s KYC Adverse Media service.