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Swift Customer Certification Programme for Staff

The Swift Customer Certification Programme for Staff enables managers to validate and benchmark their employees' skills, and help in the recruiting process. Swift certified experts demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and experience by correctly completing product and service-specific exams. The programme is built on transparency, integrity, recognition, and validity.

The Programme is reserved to staff of financial institutions. Swift Partners and service bureaux are not eligible to the Programme.

Related links
Swift certification: take your learning to the next level

Swift GPI: Customer Credit Transfer Rulebook (gCCT)

Understand the business rules and technical specifications.

Interbank Customer Direct Debit messages (pain.008, pacs.003)

Discover the structure of interbank pain.008 and pacs.003 and its related flows.Be able to interpret and populate an interbank pain.008 and pacs.003 for a specific business scenario by following the CBPR+ guidelines. Learning Objectives:pain.008 Interbank Customer Direct Debit InitiationMandatory elements in the Group Header blockMandatory elements in the Payment Information blockpacs.003 FI to FI Customer Direct DebitMandatory elements in the Group HeaderMandatory elements in the Direct Debit…

Quick tip: create a custom curriculum

Learn how to select and gather courses in a folder. Save and share courses with your colleagues.

Swift Customer Security Controls Framework: 3. Physically Secure the Environment v2024

Prepare yourself to comply with the mandatory control supporting this security principle.

Swift Customer Security Controls Framework: 4. Prevent Compromise of Credentials v2024

Prepare yourself to comply with the two mandatory controls supporting this security principle.

Swift Customer Security Controls Framework: 3. Physically Secure the Environment v2023

Prepare yourself to comply with the mandatory control supporting this security principle.

Swift Customer Security Controls Framework: 4. Prevent Compromise of Credentials v2023

Prepare yourself to comply with the two mandatory controls supporting this security principle.

Swift Independent Assessment Framework v2024

Get an overview of the independent assessment process, required to confirm compliance with the Swift Customer Security Controls Framework (CSCF).

Swift Independent Assessment Framework v2023

Get an overview of the independent assessment process, required to confirm compliance with the Swift Customer Security Controls Framework (CSCF).

Customer Payments Using the MT 103 with the Cover Method

Understand the meaning and usage of the different fields in the MT 103 when sent with the Cover method, to format an MT 202 COV correctly and to map the required fields from the MT 103 to the MT 202 COV.