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Frequently asked questions - Swift Go adoption incentive programme

Find out the answer to some of the key questions about the Swift Go adoption incentive programme and find out how you can get further help.

Contact us about the Shared Infrastructure Programme

Contact us to know more about the Shared Infrastructure Programme

Global Graduates Programme 2019

Promotional video for the Global Graduates Programme 2019

Application providers - Swift GPI roadmap and Universal confirmation adoption

Sibos 2019 presentation for Application providers

Swift underlines the credentials of its Customer Security Programme at industry cyber security event

Swift’s Head of Banking and Payments underscores the importance of the programme in reinforcing the security of global banking

SwiftRef Online applications

Dispatch product
Order, change or terminate your subscription to SwiftRef Online applications

SwiftRef Online applications

Dispatch product
Order, change or terminate your subscription to SwiftRef Online applications

Swift's Customer Security Programme Introductory Video

Discover how the Swift's Customer Security Programme (CSP) reinforces the security of the global financial system. This video is part of the Customer Security Programme (CSP).

Surecomp joins the SwiftRef Partner Programme

Surecomp, a leading provider of global trade solutions for banks and corporations, today confirmed that it is a fully accredited member of the SwiftRef Partner Programme

The transformation of the global payments landscape - Programme

The transformation of the global payments landscape - Programme information session