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BTMU chooses Compliance Analytics to further enhance its financial crime compliance programme

Powerful data analytics tool from Swift helps banks pinpoint risk and improve the focus of their compliance activities

Deutsche Bank raises expertise in “Swift for Corporates”

Deutsche Bank continued its global training programme for "Swift for Corporates" in 2015, with certification achieved in five locations across three continents. More than 300 employees worldwide have now been certified.

Terms & Conditions

Terms & conditions, Programmes & Policies governing the relationship between swift and its customers.

Volante joins SwiftRef partner programme to offer a single source for payments reference data management

By joining SwiftRef, Volante users will have access to Swift for all their payments reference data needs, helping to reduce costs and improve straight-through-processing (STP) of international and SEPA payments.

Swift GPI for payment application providers

Work with Swift during Swift GPI and universal confirmations adoption

Choosing a kit to suit your needs

Choose a cost-effective Alliance Kit to suit your needs, whatever you are looking for in terms of infrastructure, back office integration and messaging interface type.

Payment Controls

Swift Payment Controls enables you to alert or block anomalous payments in real-time, before they are released from the Swift network.

How do you manage your Swift infrastructure?

With Alliance Managed Operations, you can focus on your core business activities while Swift manages your on-premises Alliance interfaces on your behalf.

Alliance Web Platform SE document centre

Resource center
Our graphical user interface software for all Alliance products, Alliance Web Platform provides browser-based access to all relevant functionality.

Swift CSP Assessor Certification - FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the Swift Customer Security Programme Assessor Certification.