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Swift Customer Certification Programme for Staff

The Swift Customer Certification Programme for Staff enables managers to validate and benchmark their employees' skills, and help in the recruiting process. Swift certified experts demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and experience by correctly completing product and service-specific exams. The programme is built on transparency, integrity, recognition, and validity.

The Programme is reserved to staff of financial institutions. Swift Partners and service bureaux are not eligible to the Programme.

Related links
Swift certification: take your learning to the next level

Sanctions List Distribution

… Search Home Search Home Search Sanctions List Distribution Swift’s Sanctions List Distribution saves you the work of … List Distribution 通过可用标准化 XML 格式下载的最新公开制裁名单支持贵机构合规工作。 Swift 的 Sanctions List Distribution … Manage your sanctions list updates more efficiently with Swift’s sanctions lists and management offering Download Last …


贵机构的交易、客户及 PEP 过滤系统必须保持更新,以符合最新的监管要求,并与贵机构的风险政策和偏好保持一致。过滤系统必须高效运行,以使贵机构能够按照客户的服务要求提供服务。Sanctions Testing 是我们与我们的客户共同合作开发的,它能够提供自动化的独立测试与保证。


如果您负责金融犯罪合规事务,则需要对贵机构的运营活动有清楚的认识。利用 Compliance Analytics 全面了解贵机构的运营活动。


… Payments Data Quality 是监控全机构数据质量的一项托管式解决方案。它是来自 Swift 的一项 依托业界的金融犯罪合规服务 。  金融行动特别工作组 (FATF) 第 16 条建议 (2012) … 103.33(g)]已要求金融机构必须传达从发送人处收到特定类型的发端人和受益人数据——例如姓名、地址和账号。 Swift … crime risks. Pinpoints unusual behaviour and... Read more Swift Services Services Leverage Swift's expertise, enabling …

Payments Data Quality

… while addressing FATF Recommendation 16 compliance using Swift’s data-driven... Download Last update: 24 July 2019 … crime risks. Pinpoints unusual behaviour and... Read more Swift Services Services Leverage Swift's expertise, enabling you to use our products and …

Expert Consultancy

… 又或者,需要为贵机构的制裁过滤系统和筛查计划提供持续的技术支持? 我们的金融犯罪合规专家已在世界各大金融机构实施了 Swift 全面的 Sanctions Testing … 产品的优势相结合。 我们可以按单独服务的形式向贵机构提供全面的 Sanctions Testing 评估,也可以作为 Swift


Dispatch service
Use the links below to register in a MA-CUG. However, please contact the providing institution before submitting a registration.


Dispatch service
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