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SwiftNet Certification Authority (CA)

A Swift central system that produces and publishes digital certificate.

Matthieu de Heering speaks on the evolving cyber threat at International Financial Congress, St. Petersburg

IFC brings together bank CEOs, central bank governors, government officials, and financial leaders from across the world.

Innovation Essentials: In Conversation with Tim Bosco

Watch this series examining top tips from leading innovators in the financial industry on how to make innovation a success. This week: Interview with Tim Bosco, Brown Brothers Harriman.

Re-shaping the regulatory landscape through big data analytics

New research from the Swift Institute discusses how global financial institutions are using data analytics to better manage regulatory requirements

Swift adds daily updates to the SwiftRef platform

Brussels, 13 May 2013 - Swift, the financial messaging provider for more than 10,000 financial institutions and corporations in 212 countries, today added daily updates to its reference data directories to further reduce industry costs associated with payments processing. As part of the SwiftRef data platform, the new service will replace monthly updates and will help financial institutions and corporates respond to market developments and the evolving regulatory landscape.

Virtual currencies unlikely to crowd out fiat currencies, according to new research

New research from the Swift Institute assesses whether the global financial community is accepting Bitcoin as a valid currency.

Can financial services collaborate to drive sustainability?

At Sibos 2023, industry experts spoke about the need for cooperation across borders and businesses to help drive sustainability at the pace it needs.

Learning from a ‘back-office revolution’ that transformed post-trade processing

New academic research from the Swift Institute follows the transformation of UK clearing and settlement processes across CREST’s 20-year history

KYC Registry

Dispatch product
Order, change or terminate your subscription to KYC Registry

Faster not always better

Anyone with a mobile phone can send a text message to someone on the other side of the world instantaneously – and in most cases for free. However, when it comes to payments, interaction is slower and costly.

Société Générale Group migrates French domestic payments traffic to Swift

The French banking group will use Swift FileAct to send domestic payments to STET, the European automated clearing house.