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SwiftNet Registration Authority (RA)

A Swift-registered body that identifies and authenticates an institution and the initial users of the SwiftNet Public Key Infrastructure (for example, an institution's security officer).

Swift Certified Specialist

The Swift Certified Specialist label shows you comply with our performance criteria and offers reassurance to customers.

JASDEC going live on Swift

Hong Kong, 5 March 2014 - Swift, the financial messaging provider for more than 10,000 banking organisations, securities institutions and corporate customers in 212 countries and territories, today announced that the Japan Securities Depository Center (JASDEC) has successfully gone live with ISO 20022 on SwiftNet on 6 January, the first major securities market infrastructure (SMI) to use the international standard for end-to-end settlement.

Swift delivers Alliance Managed Operations solution for Aktia Group

A Swift customer for more than 20 years, Aktia operates an on-premises Swift infrastructure that includes Alliance Access, Alliance Gateway and SwiftNet Link.

Customer conversation: Digitising trade, now or never

Loh Sin Yong, Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore, Luca Castellani, Secretariat of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, Louise Taylor-Digby, Swift

Swift goes live with instant payments solution for RT1

Direct access to EBA CLEARING’s RT1 with SwiftNet Instant offers customers the ability to execute instant payments anywhere within the Single Euro Payments Area

New standards alliance to unlock further potential of API technology

With regulators around the world demanding greater interoperability among financial institutions as they move more towards an open banking model, a newly formed API standards alliance hopes to play a key role in unlocking further potential of API technology. 

Papua New Guinea’s RTGS system goes live on Swift

Hong Kong, 15 October 2013 - Swift, the financial messaging provider for more than 10,000 banking organisations, securities institutions and corporate customers in 212 countries and territories, today announced that the Papua New Guinea Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system has gone live on SwiftNet.

Les banques centrales choisissent KYC Registry pour promouvoir une plus grande transparence

En soumettant des données dans KYC Registry, les banques peuvent opter pour un standard de meilleure pratique international pour la conformité en matière de connaissance du client, et donner satisfaction à leurs correspondants internationaux et organismes de réglementation d'une manière simple et efficace. Les banques centrales mènent des campagnes auprès de la communauté pour encourager la participation dans le Registre, donnant lieu à une transparence accrue et une conformité plus…

Universal confirmations application provider self-attestation

By submitting this form, the registered application provider self-attests that it complies with the requirements set out above. The person submitting this form declares to have full authority to do so for and on behalf of the registered application provider.

Swift accompagne EFiS pour la connectivité aux systèmes de paiements instantanés

Press release - Le plus ancien des Services Bureaux Swift de l’Union européenne apportera une connectivité aux systèmes RT1 et TIPS via la solution SwiftNet Instant