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Work Sessions

Swift Business Forum - New York 2014

EU Parliament hearing: Swift statement and press release

For immediate release

Innovate or lose out - In Conversation with André Casterman, Swift

Swift recently hosted its annual "Swift for Corporates" User Conference in London.

Swift testifies before European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)

By invitation, Blanche Petre, General Counsel Swift, today testified before the EU Parliament's LIBE Committee (Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee), together with EU Commissioner Malmström and the Director of Europol Rob Wainwright.

Landmark final wave sees four more CSDs go live on T2S using Swift

In the final migration wave, CSDs in Spain, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania successfully migrate to T2S using Swift’s Value Added Network solution

Swift completes landmark DLT PoC

• PoC successfully delivers business functionalities • DLT instance meets governance, security and data privacy requirements • ISO 20022 data model and UETR pivotal to improving Nostro processes • DLT a strategic priority for Swift

Swift customer communication: Customer security issues

No impact on Swift network, core messaging services or software

Swift opens its KYC Registry to corporates

- Global registry now open to Swift’s corporate customers - Go-live follows testing period with 18 corporate groups supported by 16 global banks

How HSBC is streamlining its KYC and AML checks

Marian Owczarzy, VP Utilities Lead, KYC Industry Utilities, Alwin Bathija, Global Head of Corporates Onboarding and their teams are responsible for the implementation of global KYC processes at HSBC. For a multi-jurisdictional bank, this is no small feat. We sat down with Owczarzy and Bathija to find out how HSBC tackles this complex task using Swift’s data solutions.

Preparing for T+1: The global impact of North America’s move

As global securities markets prepare for shorter settlement cycles, what can data from the Swift network reveal about the potential impact of the move to T+1 in North America?