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Implementation principles

Swift will strictly apply the following key principles during the program:

1. Systematic risk mitigation

Swift will ensure there is no impact for the users at all phases of the program, by following risk management principles.  In practise, Swift will make sure the following activities are diligently performed:

  • Risk Analysis: systematic risk analysis and mitigation at all phases of the program.
  • Intensive testing : Multi-environment tests are extensively executed to the same superior quality standards as current messaging services
  • Phased deployment: executed in line with a pre-defined plan and subjected to strong verification tests. A fall-back will be available at each stage.
  • Guaranteed backward compatibility: the introduction of the new hardware and operating system will be done in a stage approach, allowing a  hybrid setup. This hybrid mode of concurrent operation on new and current components will guarantee backward compatibility as well as transparent failover.

2. Customer impact

The refresh will happen behind the scenes at Swift and will not affect day-to-day use of messaging services. Customers and vendors will not need to make any changes to their messaging infrastructures, back office systems, operations or configuration data.

All functional and non-functional aspects such as interface specifications, resilience features, security, compliance, performance, message standards or copy services will remain unchanged throughout the program.

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Community Testing Information

Swift does not expect any impact on community’s messaging activities. Still, Swift understands that before the availability of key components in live, customers might wish to perform optional tests to ensure there is no impact for them. 

Critical components dates:

FIN Regional Processors (RP) refresh:
  • Live, Test & Training: Completed
FIN Slice Processors (SP) refresh:
  1. Databases:
    • Live, Test & Training: Completed
  2. Applications:
    • Live: Q4 2023
    • Test & Training: 07 October 2023

(Note: Swift encourages the community to increase their level of testing on FIN between 07 October and 28 October to determine changes are successful.)

SwiftNet Store-and-Forward Databases:
  • Live, Pilot: Completed

Latest timeline will be published here when available.

For more information, please contact us.
