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We're heading to Beijing!

Sibos is landing in Beijing for the first time from 21-24 October 2024. A leading centre for a wide range of industry sectors – including finance, science, and technology – the city is a driving force shaping the future of the global economy.

Each year, Sibos brings people together from all over the world. This year’s main conference theme pays testament to that – ‘Connecting the future of finance.’ And as usual, we’ll be hosting our own series of sessions exploring the latest trends and initiatives benefiting the full Swift community.

Registrations are open

We’ve got digital and physical passes available depending on how you plan on attending. Not sure which pass is best for you? Check out the differences before making your choice.

Explore pass options

The Swift at Sibos programme

We'll be releasing details of our programme very soon. Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to know.

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Do you need a visa?

If you’re travelling to Sibos from outside of China, you might require a visa. Not sure whether you do? Explore our travel FAQs today.

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Swift at Sibos 2023

Stay up to date

It’s a year not to be missed. Sign up to the Swift at Sibos newsletter to make sure you stay up to date with the latest info, including the release of our programme.

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