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17 May 2016 | 5 min read

Swift’s messaging traffic grows by 12.5 percent in Africa

Figures released ahead of Swift’s 23rd African Regional Conference show Africa has outperformed the total growth...
Securities 13 May 2016 | 4 min read

Funds processing rates reach new levels of automation

New report from EFAMA and Swift confirms growing industry automation rates reach 85.4% of fund orders...
Company Information 13 May 2016 | 6 min read

Swift customer communication: Customer security issues

No impact on Swift network, core messaging services or software
Company Information 10 May 2016 | 2 min read

Joint statement: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Bangladesh Bank and Swift

Basel Meeting
Corporates 9 May 2016 | 4 min read

Swift for Corporates continues to gain traction in Asia Pacific with 29 new connections

A significant increase of corporations join Swift in Asia Pacific to communicate with their banking partners...
Corporates 9 May 2016 | 5 min read

Swift for Corporates continues to gain traction in Asia Pacific with 29 new connections

A significant increase of corporations join Swift in Asia Pacific to communicate with their banking partners...
Company Information 9 May 2016 | 2 min read

Swift statement

Statement on recent allegations
Swift Institute 9 May 2016 | 5 min read

Industry collaboration is necessary for the successful application of blockchain in securities markets

New academic research from the Swift Institute reviews the impact and potential for blockchain in securities...
Innotribe 3 May 2016 | 5 min read

Innotribe selects 12 semi-finalists to compete in the African Startup Challenge

12 companies will compete in Mauritius on 18 May and get the chance to take their...