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service administrator destination

A valid Swift eight-character BIC that Swift assigns to the service administrator. The service administrator destination is used in digital signatures. The service administrator destination can be the same as the primary server destination.

service administrator related participant (SARP)

A Swift user that belongs to the same financial institution as the service administrator. To be considered as part of the same financial institution, Swift must register the service administrator related participant and the service administrator as belonging to the same group of customers for traffic aggregation purposes.

Factsheet - Integration Services

Integration with Swift is now easier than ever with an end-to-end service delivered by the Consulting Services team at Swift

Service Bureau Strate (Africa)

Service Bureau Logo.

“Priority” service level

The present document constitutes the “Priority” Service Level Schedule under the Service Level Master Agreement for the realisation of Credit Transfers with immediate execution by the Originator's and Beneficiary's Bank...

Trade Services Utility factsheet

This factsheet explains the service and outlines the key features and benefits of Trade Services Utility solution

Swiftgpi - Payments Tracker service

Discover the Payments Tracker service

Alliance Kits Service Description

Alliance Kits Service Description

Services brochure for Corporates

Overview of Consulting Services tailored to the needs of corporate treasurers and finance managers

“Request for Transfer” service level

The present document constitutes the “Request for Transfer” Service Level Schedule under the Swift Service Level Master Agreement for the realisation of Requests for Transfers.

“Standard” service level

The present document constitutes the “Standard” Service Level Schedule under the Service Level Master Agreement for the realisation of Credit Transfers with a scheduled total time from Acceptance to Completion of generally no more than four Business Days.

Service Bureau Decillion (Asia and Pacific)

Service Bureau Logo