Our comprehensive range of solutions connect your back-office systems to Swift and enable you to send and receive financial messages.
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Our suite of software solutions - Integration
Swift Integration Layer (SIL)
Stand-alone software enabling communication between your back-office and Swift
Swift APIs
Extend the capabilities of our products and services to meet your needs
Our suite of software solutions - Interfaces
Alliance Messaging Hub (AMH)
Our flexible, multi-network, high-volume financial messaging solution
Alliance Access
Our market leading messaging interface offering high performance and resilience
Alliance Entry
Our lightweight interface, offering the flexibility and control of a private infrastructure
Swift Community Cloud
Alliance Cloud
The scalable cloud-based channel to connect to Swift and reach your customers and counterparties in more than 200 countries.
Public cloud connectivity to Swift
An initiative to accelerate public cloud deployment
Alliance Connect Virtual
Deploy your Swift VPN connections virtually via the public cloud.
Alliance Lite2
Connecting you to the financial world via the Swift Community Cloud
Business Connect
Embed Swift connectivity seamlessly into your business applications and cloud services.
Alliance Lifeline
Ensuring business continuity with a standby Swift connection via the Swift Community Cloud
Alliance Connect (Gold, Silver & Bronze)
Offering a range of secure Swift connectivity options
Alliance Gateway Instant
Get fast and frictionless payments over the Swift network with our secure and cost-effective instant payments gateway
Alliance Gateway
Providing a single gateway to Swift from multiple messaging interfaces
Hardware Security Module (HSM)
Securing the generation, storage and use of PKI certificates
SwiftNet Link
Ensuring technical interoperability for all Swift users
Swift Certificate Centre
Manage your Swift certificate on a personal token
Related solutions
Alliance Warehouse
A complete archiving solution with powerful search and investigation tools