Learn more about Online Operations Manager, SwiftNet
This page allows your institution to change the delivery queue for reports sent by the SwiftNet Online Operations Manager.
Today, SwiftNet provides the ability to reroute real-time traffic between two or more SwiftNet Links for all traffic or for specific traffic flow (for example, the traffic of one service).
This allows a customer to switch traffic delivery from one system to another without the need to contact Swift. Similarly, Swift provides a function to query the routing rules and to display for each routing rule the SwiftNet Link to which Swift delivers real-time traffic.
- Currently, customers need to execute the reroute (or the getroutingrules) command separately for each BIC that occurs as responder in the relevant routing rules.
- Customers have the option of executing routing functions (reroute, getroutingrules, enableroutingrules and disableroutingrules) to update more than one responder BIC in one go.
- In order to do so, the administered institution submits a new "Register Shared SwiftNet Operations Managers" eform.
- New Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) role "Scope/Includes/" for swift.rug service subscribed to administering institution. Role is then granted to site manager DNs (Shared Operations Managers).
- The "SiteManager/LiveSiteManager/PilotSiteManager" role is still required.
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