SwiftNet security officers - special orders
This page allows to handle special cases for Security Officers registration
Place orders
1. I have no more security officers
This section can be used either by existing customers or service bureaux. Use this section when your institution has no more security officers that have access to Secure Channel (no more offline security officer). As a result of your registration, the newly registered security officer will use Secure Channel to appoint additional offline security officers.
Emergency handling of these orders is chargeable. Please consult Knowledge Base tips 2234103 for more information.
2. Stop your PKI security delegation
Use this section if you want to terminate your current PKI security delegation and to become an administering institution with your own security officers (online and offline role).
Use the form twice, one form for each security officer.
3. I want to change the administering institution
For high priority requests, advancing the implementation date to a date no longer available in the e-order form may be chargeable. Please consult Knowledge Base Tip 2234103 for more information.
4. Modify your SwiftNet PKI security
- Swift recommends delegating the PKI security of additional BICs to the main destination (primary BIC).
- Security officers should request these changes on Secure Channel. Only use these order forms if there are no security officers defined or when the defined security officers no longer have access to Secure Channel.
- For high priority requests, advancing the implementation date to a date no longer available in the e-order form may be chargeable. Please consult Knowledge Base Tip 2234103 for more information.
Use this form only if your additional BIC has no security officers and has not yet delegated PKI security.
Use this form to delegate PKI security if your defined security officers no longer have access to Secure Channel.
5. Register initial Security Officer (online and offline roles)
Use this section to register your own security officers. Service Bureaux cannot use this order form.
Use the form twice, one form for each security officer